

Please write your prayer requests. Also remember to pray for the requests in this page.


  1. I pray that next week as I go to the father of my unborn childs family that he will not deny her as he did before. I pray too that I may have forgiveness.

  2. Please pray that i find it in myself to forgive the people in my life who have recently hurt me. Pray that i find it in my heart to be more forgiving this next year and through the rest of my life.

  3. Please pray that I can complete my Lt.father's dream of rebuilding up the School for the poor community. I too need to have finance to run the school. I believe that God will open a door for me. Also pray that I will get strength to make up a family (Raju and Jayshree and 2 kids Joel/Joshua)which is broken up and are staying separate. A prayer for a unbeliever boy Amit as he will going for a heart surgery.

  4. I pray my husband and I stop fighting and he would respect and appreciate all I do for him.
